Professor Jackie Carter

Professor Jackie Carter

Academic EDI Lead for Disability, member of the Shaw Trust Power 100 for 2023. Author of Work Placements, Internships & Applied Social Research. Prof of Statistical Literacy. FaCSS, NTF. 1-in-20 Women in Data. Late Bloomer. @GM4Women

Appears in 8 Episodes

Let's Talk Disability - Neurodiversity

Hosted by the University of Manchester Academic EDI Lead for Disability, Professor Jackie Carter, this episode features PJ Hemmaway, our Chief Information Officer and ...

Let's Talk Disability - Being a Disabled PGR

Hosted by Academic Lead for Disability, Professor Jackie Carter, this episode features Professor Colette Fagan, Vice-President for Research, and Laura Howard, Postgrad...

Let's Talk Disability - Being a Disabled EDI Leader

Episode 3 of Let's Talk Disability.Patrick Hackett, Registrar and Chief Operating Officer and Kathy Bradley, Lead EDI Partner talk with host, Professor Jackie Carter (...

Let's Talk Disability - The Importance of Networks

Episode 4 of Let's Talk Disability, hosted by Professor Jackie Carter, EDI Academic Lead for Disability,  is a conversation between Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, Pres...

Let's Talk Disability - Episode 5

Episode 5 of Let's Talk Disability is a conversation between host, Professor Jackie Carter, EDI Academic Lead for Disability, Professor Allan Pacey, Deputy Dean and De...

Let's Talk Disability Episode 6

Episode 6 of Let's Talk Disability is a conversation between host, Professor Jackie Carter, EDI Academic Lead for Disability, Jon Ashley, Director of Estates Support a...

Let's Talk Disability - Accessibility in our Digital World

This episode of the Let's Talk Disability series is a conversation hosted by Professor Jackie Carter, Academic EDI Lead with Professor Chris Pressler and Co-Chair of T...

Let's Talk Disability Ep 8 with Laura McLeod and Claire Alexander

Hosted by Professor Jackie Carter, this episode features Laura McLeod (, Senior Lecturer in Politics in the S...

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