Let's Talk Disability Episode 6

Episode 6 of Let's Talk Disability is a conversation between host, Professor Jackie Carter, EDI Academic Lead for Disability, Jon Ashley, Director of Estates Support and Beth Micakovic, Executive Director of Faculty Ops (Biology, Medicine and Health)

Jackie, Jon and Beth discuss the estate at the University of Manchester and the efforts that are being taken to make it more accessible alongside hidden disabilities and experiences of cancer.

If you require a subtitled version of this podcast please go to https://youtu.be/XDT612m77UI

If you do not see a transcript please contact us at equalityanddiversity@manchester.ac.uk and we will ensure you receive one.

There is a reference in this episode to a blog by Carsten Timmerman.  You can find this at Measuring Quality of Life in Cancer Treatment: A Historical Focus – Cancer Prevention and Screening Blog (qmul.ac.uk)

Creators and Guests

Professor Jackie Carter
Professor Jackie Carter
Academic EDI Lead for Disability, member of the Shaw Trust Power 100 for 2023. Author of Work Placements, Internships & Applied Social Research. Prof of Statistical Literacy. FaCSS, NTF. 1-in-20 Women in Data. Late Bloomer. @GM4Women
Beth Micakovic
Beth Micakovic
Executive Director of Faculty Ops (Biology, Medicine and Health)
Jon Ashley
Jon Ashley
Director of Estates Support at The University of Manchester
Let's Talk Disability Episode 6
Broadcast by